Thanks for being here!

Please note that by visiting this page, or any other online or social media page affiliated with Dr. Sara Glass, you are indicating your consent to the following disclaimers: 

Professional Purpose:
This platform is intended for informational, educational and promotional/marketing purposes. The content provided here is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

No Therapeutic Relationship:
Engaging with the content on this page does not establish a client-therapist relationship. If you are seeking mental health services, please see the contact page on contact to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Please avoid sharing personal or sensitive information in public comments or direct messages. Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed through this platform.

Existing Clients:
If you are an existing client, please note that I will respect your privacy and will not follow your page. Please do not disclose that you are my client through your public comments here. That said, I understand that social media can provide wonderful opportunities for sharing content that may help me understand your lived experiences- I do welcome you to bring social media content into sessions, if you so wish, so we can discuss that content together within the privacy of session. 

Inappropriate or offensive comments will be removed. Racism, sexism, homophobia, bullying, or violent communication of any kind will not be tolerated. This page is a safe space for respectful and constructive discussions. I welcome your kind feedback and respectful engagement. 

Crisis Intervention:
This page is not monitored 24/7, and it is not suitable for crisis intervention. If you are in crisis, please call your local emergency number or a mental health crisis hotline. Some resources include: 

Trans Lifeline (staffed by trans volunteers; they will not call 911 without your consent): (877) 565-8860

Wildflower Alliance peer support warmline (will not collect your info or non-consensually call 911), open 7AM-9PM M-Th and 7AM-10PM F-Su: 888-407-4515

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line — text HOME to 741741

Callen Lorde (LGBTQ) Crisis Text Line — text CALLENLORDE to 741741

The Trevor Project (LGBTQ 24 years old and under) — 866-488-7386

  1. Educational Content: The information shared here is general and may not be applicable to individual circumstances. Consult with a qualified mental health professional for advice tailored to your situation.

  2. Updates and Changes: Policies and information on this page may be updated or changed without notice. It is your responsibility to stay informed about any modifications.

Thank you for following, and I welcome your engagement!